How to Create a Shiny Concrete Floor
A shiny concrete floor looks great and is extremely durable. It is also highly reflective, which can help to brighten up your space. Concrete polishing is a mechanical process that involves engineered floor grinders fitted with industrial diamonds. The concrete is honed and polished with increasingly finer grits of diamond abrasives until the desired level of shine is achieved. Color gradients A shiny concrete floor is a great choice for modern or industrial-style homes. It is more durable than traditional flooring and does not require much maintenance. It also adds a lot of character to the room and can make it look bigger. You can use different colors to create interesting patterns. You can also add grout lines to give your floors a hand-laid look. The levels of sheen on polished concrete range from matte to a glassy mirror-like finish. These levels are determined by the diamond grit used during the polishing process. They are categorized by the Concrete Polishing Association of...