Concrete Grinding and Polishing

Concrete grinding and polishing is a specialised technique that transforms ordinary concrete floors into a smooth, refined finish that is both durable and visually appealing. It can be used to enhance residential, commercial, and industrial spaces.

The first step involves grinding the concrete with progressively finer diamond abrasives to achieve a smooth surface. Chemical treatments, such as densifiers, can also be applied if desired.


Resurfacing is a cost-effective way to refresh the appearance of existing concrete surfaces, and can be used for both interior and exterior applications. Unlike overlays, it does not involve adding new material to the surface and requires less maintenance. However, the cost of resurfacing can vary depending on the condition of the existing surface and the level of shine desired.

In addition to changing the aggregate exposure, a concrete grinding and polishing company can also alter the final look and feel of a floor by using different grits. The higher the grit used, the more shine achieved. However, higher grits tend to produce more dust and may require a more extensive cleaning system.

Pavillion finish is a specialised version of mechanically polished concrete designed for use outdoors. It is an ideal option for retail and commercial environments, as it provides a non-slip and easy-to-clean surface that combines functionality with aesthetics. It is available in a range of finishes and can be tailored to suit any aesthetic.


A concrete polishing contractor specializes in converting existing concrete surfaces to a high-quality, refined, and sometimes glossy finish. The process uses various grinding and honing steps using progressively finer grits of diamond abrasives to achieve the desired level of clarity and shine. It also involves concrete chemical products to harden and densify the surface and reduce porosity.

The first step is grinding, which removes imperfections and prepares the surface for further abrasion. Then the honing stage begins, with a transition from metal bond to resin bond diamonds, that produce an ideal texture and foundation for the final appearance. This step is critical in the overall quality and longevity of the finished floor.

Lastly, the polishing stage produces the desired clarity of reflection and achieves a high-gloss finish. This finish is extremely durable and easy to maintain. It resists stains and repels dirt, making it a great choice for commercial and industrial floors. It also creates a low coefficient of friction that prevents slippage and accidents.


Professionals utilize state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques to grind, hone, and polish concrete floors for optimal results. They understand the variables that affect the grinding process, including pressure control and how varying conditions can impact the final outcome. They also know how to use the appropriate chemicals and materials to protect surfaces from wear, stains, and damage.

Depending on the desired finish, concrete polishing can range from a “cream” polish that exposes no aggregate to a more exposed look closely resembling terrazzo. It can also be burnished to a dull sheen or to a high-gloss sheen that resists dirt and other debris for easy maintenance.

In most cases, concrete polishing eliminates the need for costly overlayments, converting existing concrete into an attractive and long-lasting surface that is hardwearing and extremely low-maintenance. Most polished concrete projects begin with a thorough surface preparation phase during which cracks, holes, and other imperfections are repaired. This ensures a consistent base for the final polished surface.


The specialised process of concrete polishing transforms ordinary concrete into durable, low-maintenance flooring. It involves mechanically grinding, honed and polished existing concrete to achieve a smooth and refined finish, making it ideal for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces.

Using diamond sharp disks, technicians grind the surface of the concrete, exposing more aggregate and increasing its durability. Then, they progressively use finer grits to achieve a high-polished finish. The concrete is finally sealed with a protective coating, which prevents the penetration of water and other contaminants.

Maintaining the condition of a concrete floor is easy, provided it is broom-swept regularly and vacuumed periodically. The abrasive used in the grinding and polishing process can cause the surface to develop low spots, so it is important to check that these are regularly removed. In addition, the surface should be checked for signs of wear and tear and repaired as necessary. Finally, a topical sealer can be applied to improve the appearance of the surface.

from Polished Concrete Newcastle Specialist


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